Fear of Flying Hypnotherapy in London, Online and South Bucks

Do you experience anxiety or panic when thinking about flying?
You’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide suffer from fear of flying, which can make travel a stressful, uncomfortable, or even impossible experience.
The first thing you need to know is, every year our Hypnotherapy Treatment Program helps more people overcome Fear of Flying and enjoy the freedom to travel.
Whether you’ve tried other treatments that haven’t worked or are on the verge of giving up, we’re here to help.
We provide a free initial consultation, and typically, fear of flying can be treated in just one or two appointments.
Don’t let your fear of flying hold you back. Contact us today and let us help you overcome your fear of flying and achieve lasting recovery.
Common Fear of Flying Symptoms
With over 24 years experience we’ve helped hundreds of people over come fear of flying.
If you have a fear of flying, have a chat with us and find out how we can help you overcome your fear of flying and make a lasting recovery.

Helping you overcome fear of flying.
Fear of flying is a learnt behavioural response. We want to help you overcome the fear the easy way.
You don’t even need to know how or why the fear started.
Our treatment works by stoping the learnt response and helping you to fly feeling calm and relaxed.
Want to find out more?
What causes Fear of Flying?
Fear of Flying is a very common issue. It can affect your ability to travel with work or go on holiday with friends and family.
It can be caused by a number of things. Some people’s fear stems from a bad flight. For others it’s because they had a panic attack on a flight. Or due to a number of other causes.
There are number of forms of Fear of Flying. The most common typically center on something terrible happening to the aeroplane, the feeling of turbulence, not being able to get out when you want, the thought of having an anxiety or panic attack in the aeroplane.
The level of fear varies from person to person and can range from mild anxiety and discomfort all the way through to sheer terror and panic. Some people put up with being afraid while for others the fear prevents them from flying.
The 2 things that all forms of Fear of Flying have in common is the fact that it’s a learnt neurophysiological response. And it can be cured.
Regardless of what caused your fear of flying, every year we help more people overcome fear of flying. Imagine having the freedom to travel feeling calmer and more relaxed.
3 Common Questions People Ask Us About Fear of Flying Treatment
Can Fear Of Flying Be Cured?
The first question many people ask is “can fear of flying be cured?” The answer is, YES it can. Because fear is a learned behavioral response, effective treatment can cure fear of flying.
What’s The Best Treatment?
A number of different treatments are available. However, many professionals now see the combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP to be a more effective treatment.
Don’t take our word for it. Read what our patients say.

Thank you so much
“Just wanted to say thank you so much. One session with you and I now love flying. Proof is in the picture!!
I didn’t really do anything to feel more comfortable other than process everything you told me and it just worked.
A fear never arose either time I flew this summer and it was all because I thought completely differently! Thank you once again.”
* results may vary
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
Every year we help more people overcome fear of flying. Discover how we can help you on your journey towards recovery and wellbeing today.