Hypnotherapy in London and South Bucks. All our clinics are fully open. Appointments available online and face to face.
What is hypnotherapy and what can it help with?
What is hypnotherapy and what can it help with?
From before you were born your neurology had already started working and learning. From the moment you’re born your neurology started adapting, reacting to the environment and learning.
Evidence Based Treatment
Evidence Based Treatment
Hypnotherapy is often misunderstood because of how stage hypnosis is portrayed on TV and in films. Clinical Hypnotherapy is not some form of magic wand nor a miracle pill.
In fact Clinical Hypnotherapy is a long established evidence-based treatment with over 70,000 research references. It’s already helped millions of people all around the world overcome anxiety, conquer fear, eradicate phobias, loose weight, stop smoking and make many other healthy positive changes.
It’s a practical application of functional neurological learning and requires the patient’s commitment to change. And doing what’s needed to make that change a reality.
Naturally Effective
Naturally Effective
People naturally go into altered states when they’re thinking, day dreaming, concentrating or focusing on an activity. In fact, we all go into and through a range of altered states every day.
Hypnosis enables us to utilise these naturally occurring states for therapeutic purposes.
The unconscious mind possesses an incredible ability to learn behaviours, along with a reservoir of experience and potential. And is frequently the unwitting source of many peoples behavioural problems.
Hypnosis is an effective way of interacting with the unconscious mind and overcoming learnt behaviours.
Cost-Effective Treatment
Cost-Effective Treatment
We use advanced techniques to treat a wide range of behavioural and psychological problems. Over 85% of people respond to clinical hypnotherapy.
Clinical hypnotherapy is an established complementary therapy with an excellent track record. Many medical university hospitals now offer an overview of clinical hypnotherapy as a Selective Study Unit.
Clinical hypnotherapy is a cost-effective treatment with patient benefit often rapidly achieved. Additionally, where other interventions haven’t produced the desired outcome, clinical hypnotherapy can be successful.

Helping You Feel Better
Helping You Feel Better
Affordable Treatment
Affordable Treatment
We’ve taken great care to put together the best Clinical Hypnotherapy treatment available. With a range of prices giving you a cost-effective and personal solution.
We don’t turn patients down on price. If you can’t afford our fees please talk to us. We may be able to arrange a reduced fee.
The Care You Deserve
The Care You Deserve
Our ethos is that a high-quality clinic has friendly and effective care at its heart. That’s why at PhobiaGone, we’ll work with you to build a great relationship helping you achieve results.
And reflected by the fact more of our patients come to us via personal referrals.
Real Testimonials From Genuine Patients
Real Testimonials From Genuine Patients

“No words can describe it. Previously flying was just an impossible dream due to the fear and panic of what may happen.
I lost the fear and now feel total elation. If only I had found you ten years ago.
Thank you so much for giving me a new life.”
* results may vary