Hypnotherapy in London and South Bucks. All our clinics are fully open. Appointments available online and face to face.
What happens at the initial treatment appointment?
2 hour initial appointment
We do a 2-hour initial appointment because it gives us enough time to do the checks and protocols as required by the GHR & GHSC and a good amount of work.
Medical History and Patient Questionnaire forms
We’re required to have a completed Medical History form which we’ll check through at the appointment, GDPR consent (General Data Protection Regulation). And the Patient Questionnaire which gives us information about the problem you want help with, how it affects you and any previous treatment you may have had.
These will be emailed to you with your booking confirmation. Please complete them in advance as doing so will same valuable time at the appointment. Enabling us to spend more time focused on helping you.
For some patients, we are the first point of treatment and other patients come to us having tried several other forms of treatment.
Regardless of whether you’re new to treatment or have tried other things we’ll start at the beginning and check everything properly to give us a baseline to calibrate from.
We take a more effective approach
If you’ve previously had counselling or traditional psychotherapy an important difference with our treatment is that we don’t go digging around in the past looking for deep hidden meaning. Nor do we delve into personal detail or past trauma.
Although the past can be interesting, neuroscience has proved that re-living past issues and traumas doesn’t actually help people resolve fear.
In fact in many cases continually reliving past traumas is not only painful for the patient and also tends to reinforce the problem.
So, we DO NOT do it.
Instead, we work with process. Because this is where we can create change.
The initial appointment allows us to get to know you and find out about how the problem functions.
We’ll also find out more about what you want to achieve from treatment. And make sure your desired outcome is realistic and achievable.
The Clinical Hypnotherapy we use comprises elements from several very effective therapies including NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Provocative Therapy, Quantum Psychology, Behaviourist Therapy, Neuroscience, Gestalt Therapy, Psychotherapy & Psychodynamic approaches, TimeLine Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
The work is generally fast and always Solution Focused. At times we may be a little cheeky or a bit Provocative to challenge ideas, check responses and generate change. Many patients find the sessions enjoyable and light-hearted.
Unless the patient is a doctor or medical qualified (yes our patents include GPs, surgeons, psychotherapists, counsellors and psychiatrists.) we avoid using complicated medical terms. And as much as possible, we’ll use language that you can understand. And at a level, you’re comfortable with.
Please note that at all points during the appointment, you’re in control.
Because everyone is different, at this stage we can’t say which particular techniques we’ll use to help you. First, we need to understand the issue you want us to help you overcome as that will determine how we work with you.
Due to the nature of what we’re dealing with, we can’t do an MRI or CT scan to see what’s causing the problem. The only way we can find out is by talking and asking questions.
We understand that for some people what we’re discussing can be emotional or upsetting. And is why we largely avoid going into content and instead work with process.
Communication is very important. Please talk to us. If at any point we use terms you don’t understand or language that you’re uncomfortable with or if there’s anything you’re unhappy about, please tell us during the appointment and we’ll adjust how we do things.
We want you to be comfortable and for your treatment to be successful.
We’ll explain what Clinical Hypnosis is and that at all times you’re in control. We’ll do some gentle hypnosis so you can feel comfortable with it.
We’ll also teach you some self-hypnosis.
We’ll talk through the issues you want help with to enable us to understand what’s happening. And start doing some work to find out what you respond to the best.
Our aim is that by the end of the initial appointment you feel you have a better understanding of what’s causing the problem. Able to experience a reduction in symptoms or a noticeable improvement. And feel you’re gaining skills and tools that will help you.
Because Neurophysiological learning works best when it’s done quickly, the aim is always to help you make a lasting recovery in the least number of sessions possible.
This has hopefully given you a general overview of what typically happens at the initial appointment.
If you have any specific questions please call us on 0203 086 8444 or use the contact form below. We’d be delighted to answer your questions.
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
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