Treatment for Depression2021-03-08T22:28:31+00:00

Treatment for Depression

You don’t have to struggle with Depression. Clinical Hypnotherapy helps more people recover from depression and feel better.

Treatment for Depression

You don’t have to struggle with Depression. Clinical Hypnotherapy helps more people recover from depression and feel better.

Treatment for Depression

You don’t have to struggle with Depression. Clinical Hypnotherapy helps more people recover from depression and feel better.

Are you living with Depression?

Recover From Depression

Depression is a very common problem that affects around 1 in 10 people. Whether it’s due to worries about Covid or something else, more and more people are struggling with depression. With the right support and treatment for depression, most people can recover fully. Here’s how,

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    Overcome Depression

    The fact that you’re reading this means you’re actively looking to overcome depression. That’s good because it show’s you know you need help to feel better. We actively support our patients through the process of beating depression. Helping you recover through lasting change to feel better.


    Depression is a very common mental health condition

    Most people from time to time have periods of feeling low or down. But depression is more than just spending a few days feeling sad or unhappy. Depression can leave you feeling persistently sad and down for weeks or months at a time.


    Recover from Depression

    Some people think that depression is trivial or not a genuine health problem. However, it is a real condition that impacts people of all genders and ages – including children.

    But, with the right support and treatment, most people recover fully from depression and feel better.


    Depression Symptoms

    Depression affects everybody differently, with a range of different symptoms. Common symptoms of depression can include feeling very down, tearful, sad, a sense of hopelessness, and losing interest in things you previously enjoyed. It’s also common for people with depression to experience symptoms of anxiety.


    Effects on your body can include

    • moving or talking more slowly than usual
    • talking with depressed sounding tonality
    • changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased) 
    • lack of energy
    • low energy levels
    • low sex drive (loss of libido)
    • changes to your menstrual cycle
    • feeling restless or unable to sit still
    • headaches
    • disturbed sleep – finding it difficult to get to sleep at night or waking up very early


    A depressed state of mind can include

    • continuous low mood or sadness
    • uncontrollable over-thinking
    • difficulties concentrating
    • feeling hopeless and helpless
    • feeling tearful
    • feeling irritable and intolerant of others
    • lack of motivation or interest in things
    • unusual difficultly in making decisions
    • not getting any enjoyment out of life
    • feeling overly emotional
    • feeling anxious or worried
    • having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself

    If you feel like you want to die, it’s important to tell someone. You’re not alone help and support is available right now you can even get help via text message. Here’s a list of organisations that are available 24 hours a day.


    Treatment For Depression

    Clinic hypnotherapy treatment for depression uses the best-proven elements of Behavioural Science, Psychodynamics and learning paradigms. Or to put it more simply, it works because it’s based on how human neurology is designed to respond and learn via experience.


    Freedom From Depression

    Evidence-based treatments have been shown to help beat depression. Clinical Hypnotherapy can help you recover, enabling you to live your life to the full.

    Why Choose PhobiaGone?

    Why PhobiaGone?

    Every Year We Help More People Overcome Fear.

    Discover how we’ve helped more people overcome fear and feel better.

    Anxiety Treatment

    You don’t have to struggle with Anxiety. Clinical Hypnotherapy helps more people recover and feel better.


    You Want To Do What’s Best

    So do we. We want to help you recover and enable you to live your life to the full.

    • Reduce symptoms

    • Recover from depression

    • Feel better

    • Start your journey towards recovery and wellbeing today

    Helping You Feel Better

    Affordable Treatment

    We’ve taken great care putting together the best Clinical Hypnotherapy services that offer you a cost-effective and personal solution. We don’t turn patients down on price. If you can’t afford our fees please talk to us. We may be able to arrange a reduced fee.

    The Care You Deserve

    Our ethos is that a high quality clinic has friendly and effective care at its heart. That’s why at PhobiaGone, we’ll work with you to build a great working relationship helping you achieve results. And reflected by the fact more of our patients come from personal referals.


    Every Year We Help More People

    Real patient feedback posted on Google reviews


    What is a Hypnosis?2022-05-07T21:12:51+01:00

    Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that we all experience in many ways throughout the day.

    Daydreaming, creative thinking, playing sports, watching sports, driving, gardening, listening to music, playing a video game, watching a film or reading a book are just some of the common everyday examples of where people go into what are considered hypnotic states. And because it’s such a natural part of your everyday life you don’t realise that you do it.

    A trance is a focused state of awareness, and when this happens other things that are happening around you can just seem to disappear. In this state, it becomes much easier for people to learn, make behavioural changes and overcome issues.

    Can Hypnotherapy help me?2022-05-07T21:14:06+01:00

    Clinical Hypnotherapy is a well established evidence-based treatment. And one of the most effective tools for a wide range of conditions, behavioural change and personal development. It’s especially effective for the treatment of anxiety and anxiety-related conditions, including – phobias, fears, stress, OCD, depression, panic attacks.

    To find out how we can help you get in touch via our contact form or call 0203 086 8444 today.

    What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?2022-05-07T21:13:37+01:00

    Clinical Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based set of behavioural therapies.

    The principles of Clinical Hypnotherapy began in 1890 with the work of Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov discovered Classical Conditioning for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physiology & Medicine in 1904. Clinical Hypnotherapy uses models of human behaviour proven by many world-renowned Phoscologists, Doctors and Behaviourists.

    It also builds upon the best aspects of Psychodynamic Psychology. The psychodynamic approach includes all the theories in psychology that see human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person.

    Clinical Hypnotherapy is established upon the best and most effective proven, methodologies to help patients recover sooner and make long-lasting change for the better.

    What is Online Hypnotherapy?2022-04-21T23:19:21+01:00

    If for whatever reason you’re unable to get to our London clinic in Harley Street, online Hypnotherapy in our eClinic is a great option. Online Clinical Hypnotherapy is available via our eClinic. When we see patients online from all over the UK and many other counties and as far away as Bermuda!

    To find out whether you can have treatment in our eClinic get in touch via our contact form. We’ll have a chat with you and do a free assessment to find out whether online treatment is suitable for you.

    Does Hypnotherapy work?2022-05-07T21:14:35+01:00

    Yes, Hypnotherapy helps people overcome a range of conditions.

    You may already know Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools available for behavioural change and personal development. And that it’s useful for a great number of things, including changing undesirable habits such as smoking or nail-biting. It is also useful in overcoming long-term faulty thinking that doesn’t serve us well.

    Clinical Hypnosis in a therapeutic setting can be used to help people manage stress, anxiety, ADD, stop panic attacks, manage physical aches and pain, improve self-esteem and confidence issues, recover from fears and phobias and much more.

    Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for suitable medical advice. If you are suffering from a medical condition you should consult your GP or an appropriately qualified medical practitioner first before seeking alternative methods.

    How many appointments do I need to have?2022-05-06T20:54:55+01:00

    The number of appointments needed will depend on the specific problem that you come to us for help with.

    Typically with a simple phobia, we’d see you for a 2-hour initial appointment then a 1 hour follow up appointment to check you’re on track.

    The first session lasts approximately 2 hours, the second session is usually 1 hour. Any follow-ups after that are usually one hour.

    More complex problems or those involving Anxiety may require further appointments. Treatment for depression may require more appointments and is dependant on the specific nature of the issue involved.

    Clinical Hypnotherapy is an effective therapy, however, results also depend on your motivation and commitment to treatment along with your desire to change. Your hypnotherapist will want to help you with the minimum number of sessions possible. You and the hypnotherapist will review your progress so that at any time you can make a valued judgement about how the therapy is progressing.

    Is Hypnotherapy safe?2022-05-07T21:11:58+01:00

    Hypnosis is a very normal and natural state. What if I pointed out the fact that you already go into hypnosis several times a day, how would you feel?

    If you think about the times when you’ve been captivated by a book or movie, missed your exit on the motorway, got home and realised that even though you weren’t thinking about the journey you got there. These are all examples of the everyday trances we go through.

    So now you realise you experience hypnotic states many times every day think about the times when you see other people zooming out. You may have seen someone so focused on the tv or the task they were doing they didn’t hear you calling them. Or in a lesson or a meeting when you see someone’s zoned out and not paying attention.

    When someone’s zoned out, daydreaming, or in a trance what’s actually happening is that while the conscious mind is focused on whatever it’s paying attention to the unconscious mind takes the helm and looks after things, like an autopilot to keep you safe. 

    The unconscious has evolved to learn via emotions and experience to keep you safe. Trance is natural and happens multiple times every day. 

    Hypnotherapy utilizes these natural learning states to help people change unwanted behaviours and is founded on the work of many physiologists, behaviourists and doctors, including Ivan Pavlov who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology & Medicine in 1904

    Hypnotherapy sessions are different from what you’ve seen on stage or TV. You are always in control, and will never bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken … unless of course, you want to.

    Hypnosis is safe, effective, and works very quickly compared to other types of therapy.

    Everyone can be hypnotized, however, it’s important to remember hypnosis is a willing state. You cannot be hypnotized against your will, and working with a hypnotherapist is a co-creative process.

    The most common reason for failure to induce a hypnotic state is a lack of rapport with a hypnotherapist, or working with someone that doesn’t have proper training.

    Hypnosis is not the same as sleeping, it’s a heightened learning state where the body is deeply relaxed and the mind is alert. Although the mind may drift, you should still be able to hear everything that is being said to you during the session.

    Why results may vary from patient to patient2021-03-19T21:15:40+00:00

    I’ve had a patient ask why I couldn’t give a guarantee the same as John Lewis did with his washing machine repair. I had to point out to him the simple fact is that we’re not dealing with machines we’re working with human beings. And because everyone is different as with any form of treatment some people will respond sooner, quicker or better than others.

    There is no magic bullet or one size fits all treatment. However, what I want for you is something better. Rather than being dependant on a therapist to make you feel better, I want to put you back in control of your feelings and behaviours giving you freedom.

    Please bear in mind that while in many cases phobias can be successfully treated some patients may need additional appointments. In some cases, it may be necessary to review and alter the treatment. Also, results may vary from patient to patient. Legally and professionally every therapist is required to make you aware of this.

    You may find some practitioners promising all sorts of miracle cures. Please be wary of that as some practitioners use it as a marketing ploy and will promise anything to get you into their clinic.

    While it’s reasonable to discuss what results may be typically expected no doctor or therapist can guarantee results.

    What’s The Next Step?2022-04-16T15:32:21+01:00

    To find out more, ask a question, have a chat or book an appointment email us or use our Contact Page. Alternatively, simply call us on 0203 086 8444

    Follow up appointment booking2021-03-22T10:59:15+00:00

    If you’ve been advised that you require a follow-up appointment or have a treatment package please note that the clinic does not send out reminders to book it.

    Patients are expected to take responsibility for booking their own follow-up appointments as required. And to book the appointments within the time frame of the treatment package purchased. If your treatment package expires there is no refund for any unused portion.

    Patient responsibilty2021-03-22T10:58:41+00:00

    The majority of Clinical Hypnotherapists are not medical doctors. It is the patient’s responsibility to seek appropriate medical advice and treatment via a GP or other suitably qualified doctor as needed.

    Clinical Hypnotherapy is Talking Therapy. We do not prescribe medication. If you have questions about your medication please talk to your doctor or a qualified pharmacist.

    If you’re given any exercises to practice it’s important that you do them as advised. If you have any questions about the exercises you’ve been asked to do please contact your therapist how will go through them with you.

    Please note: The clinic doesn’t send reminders to book your follow up appointment. Your therapist would have made a recommendation as to when to have the follow up however it’s down to the individual patient to contact the clinic and book the appointment.

    It is the patient’s responsibility to arrive on time for the appointment. If you arrive late we’ll still have to finish at the allotted time as we can’t delay the start of the following patient’s appointment. If you arrive after half the appointment time has passed it may not be possible to do any treatment with the appointment classed as a missed appointment and charged for in full.

    If you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol or are abusive we will be unable to proceed with the appointment and the appointment will be charged in full.

    If you’re running late or unable to make your appointment please let us know as soon as possible.

    Unless otherwise specified in writing the clinic has a 72-hour cancellation policy. Missed appointments are always charged in full.

    Unless pre-paid, payment is due in full at the end of your appointment.

    If you have any questions please get in touch via our contact form.

    Our Cancellation Policy2021-03-22T10:59:30+00:00

    It is the patient’s responsibility to arrive on time for the appointment. If you arrive late we’ll still have to finish at the allotted time as we can’t delay the start of the following patient’s appointment. If you arrive after half the appointment time has passed it may not be possible to do any treatment with the appointment classed as a missed appointment and charged for in full.

    If you’re running late or unable to make your appointment please let us know as soon as possible.

    Unless otherwise specified in writing the clinic has a 72 hour cancellation policy. Missed appointments are always charged in full.

    Unless pre-paid, payment is due in full at the end of your appointment.

    If you have any questions please get in touch via our contact form.

    Covid Safety policy2022-03-23T13:34:06+00:00
    Complaints procedure2021-03-22T11:05:16+00:00

    If for any reason you’re unhappy with the treatment you’ve received please talk first to us. We want you to be happy and we’ll do our best to resolve any issues.

    If you’re unhappy about something during the appointment please tell us there and then, so we can do something about it during the appointment.

    If you’re unhappy following the appointment, any complaint should be made in writing (email) within 48 hours of the appointment. We understand that may not always be possible and will allow up to 7 days from the appointment to register a complaint. Any complaints outside that time period will not be considered.

    Please note that no guarantee is implied or given about treatment success. No form of treatment has a 100% success rate. We are aware that a small number of clinics guarantee results however that goes against professional regulations and can invalidate professional insurance.

    If you’re unhappy about how we handle your complaint you can take it to General Hypnotherapy Register.

    For online appointments make sure you’re somewhere private, comfortable and quiet where you won’t be disturbed. If you’re using a mobile device make sure its plugged into a mains power supply. Please note that we can not be held responsible for the battery on your device going flat, problems with your internet, signal or wifi connection, any noise or disturbances at your location.

    Make sure you’re on time for your appointment. If you’re late we’ll still have to stop at the scheduled finish time in order to be able to see the next patient on time.

    Unless pre-paid or via prior arrangement in writing, online appointments require payment at the start of the appointment. Please make sure you have your payment card to hand. We will not be able to start until payment is taken and no refund will be due for lost time.


    If you change your mind about having treatment the £50 booking deposit is refundable up until 72 hours prior to your appointment time. If you wish to cancel the appointment you must call or text 07768 877 719 or let us know via email as soon as possible.

    When there’s less than 72 hours notice the booking deposit will become non-refundable. At that point, if you do not wish to proceed with the appointment you must call or text 07768 877 719 or let us know via email to let us know. If you do not notify us and don’t attend the appointment it will be considered to be a missed appointment and the full amount for the appointment will be charged.

    Treatment packages have a 48-hour cooling-off period. If following your initial appointment for whether reason you decide that you no longer want the balance of the treatment package you can cancel the package and a pro-rata refund for the unused element only, up to the cost of the upgrade from a 2-hour initial appointment to a 3-hour treatment package.

    Please note there are no refunds for any used appointments or part of a treatment package.

    Please note we provide a treatment service and there is no guarantee of success. When you decide to have treatment please make sure that the treatment you’re booking is affordable for you.

    GDPR – Data Protection Policy2021-03-22T11:00:35+00:00
    Quality Monitoring Programme & Supervision2021-03-22T11:01:22+00:00
    Medical Disclaimer2021-03-22T11:38:15+00:00

    *DISCLAIMER – Please note: We are not medical doctors and do not prescribe any form of medication. This web site does not provide medical advice nor does it claim to. Any medical questions should be directed to your GP or other suitably qualified medical professional. The content on this website is intended for information purposes only. You should consult with your GP or other suitably qualified medical professionals on medical issues regarding your health. Always seek the advice of a suitably qualified medical professional before making any changes to your treatment. No guarantee of success or results is offered. Results may vary from person to person. For more information please see our T&C’s.

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